Permissions & Reprints

Permissions & Reprints


For permission to copy or republish Academy material, whether for academic or commercial purposes, access the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at , or click on one of the following direct links:

CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users.

Authors of most Audiology Today and Journal of the American Academy of Audiology articles may republish the material they authored at no charge. Contact the Senior Manager of Publications to verify eligibility.


For professionally produced paper or electronic copies of Academy material, reprints or e-prints are available.

Author Reprints
To order reprints of an article you authored or coauthored in an Academy publication, contact:

Cindy Eyler
The Sheridan Press
Phone: 800-352-2210 x 8008
E-mail: [email protected]

Bulk Reprints and E-prints
Reprints and e-prints are a powerful way to educate the marketplace about your products. Promote awareness and credibility through the Academy's scholarly peer-reviewed publication, the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA), and our award-winning flagship magazine, Audiology Today (AT). Reprints and e-prints are produced at the highest quality, with multiple options for customization (e.g., adding a cover, disclaimer, or company logo). To order or request a quote, contact:

Matt Neiderer 
Sheridan Content Services
Phone: 800-635-7181 x 8265
E-mail: [email protected]