*Turn It to the Left!*

Keeping the Sound Down: Educational Campaign Launched to Prevent Hearing Loss

Although hearing problems are commonly associated with aging, more than 5 million young people in the United States between the ages of six and 19 report noise-induced hearing loss.

  • Although hearing problems are commonly associated with the normal aging process, more than half of all hearing-impaired persons are under the age of 65.
  • Hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the United States and affects more than 36 million Americans.

America's kids need to dial the volume down on their iPods and radios and cell phones - just touch the dial and "Turn It to the Left" - in order to prevent unnecessary hearing loss.

  • Noise-induced hearing loss is 100% preventable!
  • Hearing is critical to children's safety and to the development of speech, listening, learning, and social skills.
  • To prevent hearing loss, kids need to:
    • Turn it down
    • Walk away from the noise
    • Use hearing protection, or ear plugs

Whether younger or older, most people don't notice their own hearing loss, and wait too long to get help.

  • Someone with noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) may not even be aware of the loss, but it can be detected with a hearing test.
    • Children and teenagers seldom complain about the symptoms of hearing loss.
    • Adults may lose their hearing so gradually they fo not realize it is happening.
  • Over time, the sounds a person hears may become distorted or muffled, and it may be difficult for the person to understand speech.
  • The first step in treatment of a hearing problem is a hearing evaluation by an audiologist.

The "Turn It to the Left" Campaign is letting kids know about the hazards of noise in order to protect their hearing for a lifetime.

  • The American Academy of Audiology and its Foundation are telling kids abotu noise-induced hearing loss.
  • Rapper Ben Jackson developed a rap called "Turn It to the Left" to remind kids that thye can dramatically reduce their risk of hearing loss by turning the volume down on iPods and other personal stereos.
  • For more information on the "Turn It to the Left" Campaign, or to hear the rap, visit www.TurnIttotheLeft.com.

The American Academy of Audiology is leading efforts to prevent hearing loss through research and education.

  • The American Academy of Audiology is the world's largest professional organization of audiologists.
  • It's 10,000 members care for America's hearing by providing the highest quality of hearing healthcare services to children and adults.
  • To find an audiologist or more information, please visit www.audiology.org.
American Academy of Audiology

American Academy of Audiology Foundation